Utility and Enforceability of Prenuptial Agreements
Back in 1994, Kevin Costner separated from his first wife of 16 years. This divorce settlement cost him $80 million dollars, one of the largest Hollywood divorce settlements in history.
Back in 1994, Kevin Costner separated from his first wife of 16 years. This divorce settlement cost him $80 million dollars, one of the largest Hollywood divorce settlements in history.
Trial is the final hearing date in your case and is the process of each side putting on their evidence, refuting the other side’s evidence, and the delivery of opening
You’ve worked hard to accumulate your assets over your life. Like most people, you want the future of your property after your death to be in your control. If you
5/14/2023 The Illinois Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding Supreme Court Rule 102 has made headlines in the Illinois litigation realm this Spring. Illinois Supreme Court Rule 102 determines how a
What is an estate inventory? An estate inventory is essentially a list of assets that the deceased owned. It can include personal property, real estate, automobiles, bank accounts, investment accounts,
Many individuals incorporate annual gifting into their estate planning strategy for good reason – it is an easy way to remove assets from what may otherwise be a taxable estate
According to the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, a Right of First Refusal relates to when a party intends to leave the minor child or children with a substitute
With everyone heading back to campus, it is important to discuss an important piece of estate planning with your young adult. While typically Power of Attorney documents are thought to be
What is Dissipation, and How can it affect my Case? In divorce proceedings, dissipation is the spending, by one party, of marital property for a non-marital purpose. Dissipation must occur