
Helpful information to assist you in making the best decision for you and your family.

Utility and Enforceability of Prenuptial Agreements

Back in 1994, Kevin Costner separated from his first wife of 16 years. This divorce settlement cost him $80 million dollars, one of the largest Hollywood divorce settlements in history. Costner learned his lesson, and before the second time around at marriage with handbag designer, Christine Baumgartner, the two entered

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Now That Trial Is Over, What Comes Next?

Trial is the final hearing date in your case and is the process of each side putting on their evidence, refuting the other side’s evidence, and the delivery of opening and closing arguments. After trial, the court enters a judgment. But does this mean the case is officially over? Not

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You’ve worked hard to accumulate your assets over your life. Like most people, you want the future of your property after your death to be in your control. If you do not use proper estate planning tools to prepare for death, you risk leaving your loved ones behind with the

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Rule 102 (May 2023)

5/14/2023 The Illinois Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding Supreme Court Rule 102 has made headlines in the Illinois litigation realm this Spring. Illinois Supreme Court Rule 102 determines how a summons (i.e. an official notice of a lawsuit) must be served on a defendant/respondent. Prior to the April amendments, the

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Inventories and Accountings in Probate

What is an estate inventory? An estate inventory is essentially a list of assets that the deceased owned. It can include personal property, real estate, automobiles, bank accounts, investment accounts, business interests, and animals. It is the responsibility of the executor or personal representative to marshal these assets and administer

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